2016: A Year of Political Insanity—or is it?

It is a year of unprecedented extremes in the climate of presidential politics. It is a year of terrorist attacks around the world, most inflicted by Muslims upon other Muslims. It is a year that has left humanity groping for answers to the perennial question: “Why?” Satisfying answers, however, are…

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An Audio Excerpt on Forgiveness from an Interview on Co-Creator Radio

This is a brief excerpt from an interview I did with Mary Adams on Co-Creator Radio. This segment deals with how I came to write When Gulls Fly Low, and why. It ends with my answer to her questions about forgiveness. Many people have seen the book as a class in forgiveness, even…

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Antioxidants: Myth or Malignance

In my post here, “The Parallax View of Thrill Seekers,” I cast light on the prejudice of scientists to intepret experimental and observational data to infer causal relationships where none are indicated. Today I read one of the few highly-visible examples of both that propensity, and its polar opposite. In…

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Carole’s Review of “When Gulls Fly Low”

When Gulls Fly Low medium thumb“I love that you’ve written the metaphysics so beautifully into the story. You were able to present such a believable case for each person’s transformation! The world is ready for this sort of story!”

Carole I.


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Carrie’s Synopsis and Review of “When Gulls Fly Low”

A Novel by Ned B. JohnsonWhen Gulls Fly Low Front Cover
© 2004 (251 pages)


The story begins….

 Henry Taylor, an accomplished author, moves his life to the picturesque village of Arch Cape on Oregon’s Northern Coast, to complete his fifth novel. Within days of settling into his routine is interrupted by a dream of such lucidity it shakes him off balance for a week. In the dream he meets a woman who he is destined to live out a real life adventure of sublime love, forgiveness, faith & collaboration with the enemy ~ only he doesn’t know that yet.

 Lessons (what you will learn) 

  • Forgiveness & Empathy – a different take on ‘putting yourself in someone else’s shoes’, get beyond anger in your relationships, learn how to form intimate & mutually beneficial relationships, your worst enemy could be your biggest opportunity staring you in the face 
  • Living with integrity – Conflict Resolution  – Do the right thing– achieving harmony in your relationships through living with integrity, taking personal responsibility, navigating difficult relationships, gaining alternative perspectives, being open to the lessons 
  • Learning through experience & Recognising opportunity – everything we experience is for a reason, a lesson to be learned. We can be levelled by challenging experiences, or we can recognise them for what they are (lessons meant to be passed) & what they are meant to introduce into our lives (recognising opportunity) 
  • Perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye – a look into the world of lucid dreaming, destiny and how we all work together on the other side to accomplish our dreams and learn what we need to learn here on earth. 

Recommended for anyone interested in:

Excelling in relationships
Getting beyond anger in their lives
Learning to love deeply
Repairing damaged relationships
Having their faith restored in the magic of our lives

 This synopsis written by Carrie Armitage http://www.carriearmitage.com